Symptoms to look out for:
- Crying out when getting up.
- Difficulty climbing stairs or getting into cars.
- Signs of discomfort when being stroked.
- A reluctance to exercise. Stiffness or pain after exercise.

After a treatment
You will be advised of specific care relative to the treatment your animal has received. Below is some general guidance. - Access to plenty of fresh water (animals will tend to drink a lot after a treatment).
- Keep quiet for a day or two after treatment (may be necessary to be kept separate from other dogs to avoid rough play).
- Controlled exercise for the first few days after a treatment – depends on the dog if this is on a lead, harness or loose. Building back up to normal over the course of a week.
- Do not allow to go upstairs or jump in and out of cars for a few days – you may need to use a ramp to get large dogs in and out of cars.
- Avoid rough play with other dogs, fetching and tugging on toys for a few days.
- Follow up treatments will be arranged as necessary.

Please note:
By law Veterinary permission must be sought before an animal can be treated by anyone other than a Veterinary surgeon.